What success looks like

What do you get when a wildlife NGO puts animals as top priority and work with other NGOs?

” The largest tiger rescue in Thailand’s history “.

UPDATE: February 9th 2022, the hero rescuing the tigers, methodical and well planned, which saves lives. https://fb.watch/b3nACJJrZC/


Edwin Wiek of Wildlife Friends Foundation of Thailand (WFFT) working with the founder of the Elephant Nature Park, Sangduen “Lek” Chailert are preparing to rescue and rehome 11 tigers and 2 bears from defunct Phuket Zoo to his wildlife sanctuary.

Compare this success to the failed and botched Tiger Temple tigers rescue by Sybelle Foxcroft of the now defunct Cee4life. 

Failure happens when your agenda is for personal gain and fame, and the animals come second.

Edwin Wiek has been the target of attack and slander from Sybelle Foxcroft for over a decade.

Please consider donating to WFFT and Elephant Nature Park for this impressive rescue and tasks ahead. 
