Deaths in Paradise

Three quarters of landmass in Magnetic Island, Queensland is National Park. Rich is fauna and flora and a refuge for wildlife, it is also home to 2,335 human inhabitants. (wikipedia)

Sadly, humans also bring with them problems that affect and threaten the wildlife. Take toxoplasmosis, the parasitic infection that affects terresterial and marine life. Whilst education is key, people with no clue what they are talking about should refrain from educating others with their misinformation as it does more harm than good.

In 2000 and 2001, four Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (S. Chinensis) were stranded in and around Townsville (surburb of Magnetic Island). Necropsies showed that all four dolphins were infected with toxoplasmosis. The Queensland government believes that they could have been infected through “improper disposal of feline feces”. Feral cats also inhabit the rock walls of marinas and ports in the area, coupled with the tropical climate and warm waters meant that the oocysts can remain viable for up to a year.

The S. Chinesis is a rare species who numbers are declining. ( Aust Vet Journal 2003;81:627-632)

In the recent weeks of early May 2021, one of the iconic wildlife species in Magnetic island, the Rock wallabies suffered a large number of unexplained deaths.

Necropsies were performed on three of the wallabies. Two were found to be infected with toxoplamosis which caused their demise. The third is pending. You can read the very succinct explanation by Ms Darrie Lisle regarding toxoplamosis in the link above.

Ms Lisle runs the Wallaby Refuge of Magnetic Island in Magnetic Island, and has thus far dedicated 12 years of her retirement to care for and rehabilitate wallabies. She has been instrumental in bringing back to health a mob of Rock Wallabies at the Arcadia Jetty.

Ms Lisle is the target of an ongoing public harassment, defamation, ridicule and persecution for the past 2 years by new resident to the island, Sybelle Foxcroft. Foxcroft has also engaged her followers with a live stream to go to Ms Lisle’s facebook page to harass Ms Lisle.

Foxcroft would constantly brag that she is a “conservationist” and “university educated”, but it is evident from her toxoplasmosis “educational” session on July 4th 2020 below, she is unable to grasp and comprehend the subject and blamed others for her inadequacy. 

Claiming to be a “scientist”, Foxcroft is incapable of following the science and would often spew misinformation to her followers. Watch her eyes as she rambled on and tried to read off an article about toxoplasmosis she pulled off  the web while pretending to be an expert.

What she said about other animals transmitting toxoplasmosis through their feces is incorrect!

Felines is the only species that “excrete potentially infectious oocysts” in their feces.

Foxcroft recently posted about two dead wallabies in her “rescue” page. She said that they were killed by dogs. She claimed they had bite marks on them and dog tracks and feces found in the surrounding area is “confirmation” of a dog kill. How absurd. 

So if human footprints and water bottles were found in the surrounding area where the dead wallabies were found, would she have concluded that they were killed by humans? 

Unless a necropsy was carried out, no one will know for certain the cause of death, and who is to say the bite marks did not occur postmortem?

Her arrogance and conceitedness is boundless as is her double standards. She lets her cats run feral to kill wildlife, exposing them and wildlife to toxoplasmosis but scolded the locals for not keeping their dogs in the yard and to run around killing wallabies. Maybe she is the one who should not have cats, hmm?

Foxcroft continues to wallow in victimhood, trumpeting that she offers 24/7 rescue service to “help” animals, and shrieked that her group is being “deliberately targeted” with misinformation.

She did a post to “address the misinformation”. Full of flatulence, the only thing she addressed was using the word “misinformation” to address the “misinformation”.

She uses these narcissistic sympathy seeking behaviour to discredit anyone who calls her out on her flagrant lies or points out her mistakes which have caused tremendous suffering to wildlife in her care. Anyone who dares questions and fights for the animals she abuses, will be violated, persecuted and portrayed as “jealous” and “nasty” and she will claim that evidence of her misdeeds are fake.

The “love” she sprinkled all over her post and “butter would not melt in her mouth” act is purely for social media praise and to fool unsuspecting followers. She is  hypocritical as she is duplicitous.

What kind of sick individual keeps a badly injured Agile wallaby that has been hit by a car, for over 30 hours without pain medication and refusing to accept help from other experienced and trained wildlife carers? Eventually the wallaby had to be confiscated from her.

Who is a monster portraying to be an “animal warrior”, hmm?

What “misinformation” did she address in her post?. 


A. Tiger

#sybellefoxcroft #magneticisland #toxoplasmosis #magneticislandwildlifecare #Darrie Lisle #WallabyRefugeMagneticIsland